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Beverly Hills' Enchanting Witch House
Nestled among lush greenery under the California sun, this charming abode boasts an enchanting architecture reminiscent of a storybook cottage from a fairytale. Its steeply pitched roof is adorned with dark shingles that contrast beautifully against its mustard-yellow stucco exterior. Symmetrical windows punctuate the facade while whimsical dormer windows add to its magical allure. A quaint picket fence encircles manicured gardens bursting with blooming flowers—alluding to meticulous care given by its inhabitants. This picturesque residence stands as a testament to architectural creativity within one of America's most affluent cities.
63 pcs
★ 4.5
Witch HouseBeverly HillsFairytale CottageCalifornia ArchitectureStucco ExteriorDormer WindowsLush GardensPicket FenceEnchanting Residence