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Ashford Castle: A Medieval Fortress amidst Nature's Embrace
Nestled in the verdant embrace of County Mayo, this majestic medieval fortress stands as an enduring testament to Irish architectural prowess. Its formidable stone walls are adorned with ivy-clad battlements that whisper tales of bygone eras. Towering above is a keep crowned with fluttering flags—the tricolor of Ireland proudly waves alongside others bearing heraldic crests. Ashford Castle overlooks manicured gardens bursting with color from blooming shrubs and towering palm trees—a harmonious blend of history and nature under a sky streaked with clouds yet promising fair weather.
104 pcs
★ 3.9
medieval castleIrish heritageCounty Mayofortress architecturehistorical landmarksflag-bearing towerIvy-covered battlementsmanicured gardenspalm treescloud-streaked skies