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Playa de las Teresitas: A Hidden Gem in Tenerife
Overlooking the tranquil Playa de las Teresitas beach near Santiago del Teide town center is this breathtaking aerial photograph. The crystal-clear turquoise waters of the Atlantic Ocean kiss against the rugged volcanic coastline where boats are gently moored at the pier. Verdant hillsides descend to meet the sea, dotted with lush greenery that contrasts beautifully with the charming white houses with terracotta roofs nestled among them. In the foreground, three cacti perched atop ornate stone balustrades frame an inviting view overlooking one of nature's most stunning creations.
77 pcs
★ 4.6
Canary IslandsSpainAtlantic OceanVolcanic CoastlineWhite HousesTerracotta RoofsLush GreeneryCactusStone BalustradePlaya de las TeresitasSantiago del Teide Town Center