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Traditional English Pub 'The Elephant's Head' in the Heart of London

A sun-drenched corner pub named 'The Elephant's Head', located at number 224 Hawley Crescent NW1, presents an inviting scene typical to many pubs found throughout historic streets of London. Its facade is adorned with colorful flower boxes bursting with pink, white, yellow flowers that add vibrancy against its brick exterior. Pedestrians stroll by enjoying what appears as a pleasant day out while some passersby pause for a closer look into this charming establishment. A sign overhead announces nearby chips availability, adding convenience options catering to hungry locals or tourists alike. This snapshot captures not just another building but also encapsulates moments where people gather over drinks under the British sky.

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Londonpubflowersstreet viewHawley CrescentElephant's Headtraditional architectureBritish culturetourism