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Honfleur's Charm: A White Cottage amidst the Greenery
Nestled in Honfleur’s old city center of Normandy, this charming white cottage stands out against its lush green surroundings under a clear blue sky. Its steeply pitched roof is adorned with decorative blue trims that complement the striking blue shutters framing an arched window. The building features traditional French architecture elements such as a brick chimney crowned by a classic conical cap. Adjacent to it are two doors—one glass-paneled for visibility into what seems like a welcoming interior space, while another door has patterned curtains suggesting privacy within. Surrounding foliage adds vibrant splashes of color from blooming flowers, enhancing the picturesque quality of this quaint scene.
80 pcs
★ 4.5
NormandyHonfleurold townFrench architecturewhite cottageblue shutterschimneybrickworkgreeneryclear skies