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Palatial opulence at the Château de Fontainebleau

Within the hallowed confines of this French Renaissance masterpiece lies an interior that exudes regal elegance through its lavish Rococo style decor. A symphony of gold leaf accents embellishes the walls adorned by classical frescoes depicting mythological scenes from antiquity. At the heart of it all is a resplendent green-topped round table encircled by eight chairs in harmonious shades of blue upholstered with intricate floral motifs echoing those found on the adjacent armchairs. Above, crystal chandeliers cast a soft glow over the room while a grand fireplace stands sentinel to one side, crowned not just for warmth but also as a canvas showcasing a painting that seems to tell tales of historical significance. This space is more than mere furnishings; it's a living testament to the artistry and affluence of Louis XIII's reign.

24 pcs
Fontainebleau PalaceFrench RenaissanceRococo DecorClassical FrescoesMythological ScenesGreen-Topped TableBlue UpholsteryFloral MotifsCrystal ChandelierGrand FireplaceHistorical Painting