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Traditional Dutch Colonial Houses in Paramaribo

Nestled amidst lush tropical foliage under a clear blue sky are two pristine examples of the historic architecture found within the Historic City Center of Paramaribo, Suriname. These charming Dutch colonial houses boast symmetrical facades adorned with rows of windows framed by shutters that hint at centuries-old stories. A welcoming porch graced with elegant black railings leads to ornate front doors beneath gabled roofs featuring characteristic dormer windows. Statuesque busts stand sentinel flanking this inviting entrance, while neighboring buildings echo similar architectural grandeur, alluding to the city's rich history as one of the oldest European settlements in South America.

104 pcs
Dutch colonial architectureParamariboSurinameHistoric landmarksTropical foliageBlue skiesOrnate detailsStatuesGabled roofsEuropean settlement heritage