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Whimsical Terra Cotta Planters
Handcrafted terra cotta planters transformed into charming figures sit atop steps outside of what appears to be an entranceway leading up to someone's home. On the left is one planter dressed in blue adorned with playful flower motifs while its companion wears a cheerful yellow dress decorated with colorful flowers and polka dots. Both feature faces painted onto them that exude joy as they hold green plants within which are blooming pink blossoms. A whimsical caterpillar pot planter sits nearby filled with lush foliage, all set against a backdrop of stone walls and a traditional brown door.
24 pcs
★ 4.5
handmade plantersterracotta pots artflower decorationsplanters with facesgarden ornamentshome entrance decorstone stepscaterpillar plantergreenery adornments